12:56 PM | Anaheim, Department of Transportation, EIR, high-speed rail, President Obama, State of California, stimulus package, TOD
California voters who approved proposition 1A last November will begin to see the outcomes of their decision, now at the federal level. At a press conference today, President Obama delivered a speech expressing his support of a national high-speed rail network, and outlining a plan for its implementation. Flanked by Vice President Biden and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, Obama identified 10 regions across the nation where high-speed rail is needed and where it can work. The California High Speed Rail Authority's routes from San Diego to San Francisco and Sacramento were included in that list. Absent was the belligerent and fantastical MagLev route from Anaheim to Las Vegas.
The President announced a system-wide earmark of $8 billion in initial funding, to be followed by $1 billion per year for five following years. While the sum is barely a drop in the massive $787 billion stimulus package proposed by the administration, the passage of prop 1A late last year secures an additional $19.4 billion for California's share of the rail. Whether the state can even fathom an amount that high right now is another question. But California is the only state of the roughly 18 identified that has already passed legislation in support of the project at the state level.
In Sacramento, the prospect of the rail line is a pressing and popular matter. The Rail Authority has already identified the route of the line and are in the process of securing the land and composing the EIR. City leaders from almost every jurisdiction along the route have expressed avid support for the line. Racked by traffic congestion and hungry for added jobs, many cities have already developed plans for area TODs (transit-oriented development). With an added 13 million people by 2050, California's population density will begin to mirror countries like France, Germany, and Japan - countries that already have extensive high-speed rail lines hurtling their citizens along at speeds sometimes upwards of 200 mph. One question - who do they expect to board at a station in Sylmar?